NeonELEVATE aims to empower the next generation of creatives, overcome barriers, and achieve a more inclusive and representative creative sector at all levels.


We want participants and audiences to see themselves represented in all parts of our sectors and mitigate the ‘it’s not for us’ mindset.

With a diverse multi-disciplinary creative team (dance, music, costume design, drama, scriptwriting, film, photography, art, media, music production, Songwriting and event management) to lead workshops and mentor, we want to broaden horizons and raise aspirations. 

Collaborating with 45 YP selected through an audition process the company will produce original shows - giving young artists an understanding of the profession, a sense of ownership towards the project, and an authentic voice for their vision . In turn, it will open up pathways and progression routes in the creative industries through working with professional artists on an equal footing. Members of the company will assume a range of roles from performing, artistic direction, costume design, music production and choreography, to scriptwriting, lighting, stage and event management.

The theme for 2020/21 which launched NeonELEVATE was : “Let the World Begin” - which posed the question “If you could solve one problem in the World what would it be?”

The theme for 2021/22 was : “How would YOU re-build OUR Creative Future?” It invited the young artists to challenge orthodoxies and present their creative interpretation on issues that are universally important, thus giving them agency in the overall ideation and execution of the project. Through the programme, they produced a totally original show under "House of NEON". The show was marketed for touring, as well as festivals. NeonELEVATE actively promoted itself through commissioned work, events, and workshops. 

2023 focused on Intersectionality and common threads for not just Gen Z but also a broader audience, through short stories interwoven.

The theme for 2024 is “Self-hood” - this show provides an ever changing framework within which our new cohort in the Youth Company can transform to have an authentic voice around “Identity” and issues that can arise from it.

identity - /ʌɪˈdɛntɪti/

“Identity encompasses the memories, experiences, relationships, and values that create one's sense of self”

“Selfhood” explores identity and the impact it has on individuals and society, loss of identity, sense of identity even the weaponisation of identity


Timeline 2024

10th April 2024 - In-person Audition Workshops at Neon

15th April - 12th July 2024 - Training sessions with Artists/Teachers. All classes during this time are teaching (training) classes. Classes are attended by Leaders and Performers. Whilst teaching skills and tools Artists’Facilitators will need to give structure and support around how a show is developed in each discipline. Clear guidelines of what are the duties of Leaders and Performers are expected to follow will be given; above all reenforcing the ethos that Leaders must be aware of Performers ideas and input.

1st May - 23rd June 2024 Art, Film & Photography, Lighting and Costumes to be designed, agreed and completed.

11th May – 21st June 2024 Show Runthroughs with full cast and Mentors these rehearsals are for feedback/assessing any potential issues, things that need resolved etc. 

Runthroughs will take place rotating Artists/Facilitators (Mentors), this is to give all Artists/Facilitators (Mentors) a better understanding of the big picture/full show and anticipate problems that Leaders might face if they haven’t collaborated/engaged with other Leaders fully.

25th May – 21st June 2024 - Creative meetings with mentors and leaders to prepare for leadership, research and rehearsals. Dates TBC within this time frame. Music production and song writers finish first draft of songs. Artistic Director (assisted by Assistant Artistic Directors) finalise concepts/ideas for Art, Photography, filming & costumes.

22nd June –  13th July 2023 - Dress rehearsals with Mentors on rotation

14th July 2024 - Shows with live audience plus recording

August 2024 Festivals Performances TBC

Click for Provisional Timetable for Classes, Runthroughs and Dress Rehearsals

If you are interested in taking part fill in the online form here and send us a 1 minute video to introduce yourself, state which disciplines you want to do (minimum of 2) and answer the question “What is your greatest strength & what is your biggest weakness?”. You can also include links to performance video(s) and /or a portfolio for the selection process - send your applications to or click the button below.



“ Neon ELEVATE pushed and challenged me to my limits. Hip hop, teaching, and putting together multiple pieces that suited the storyline pushed my creative mind, alongside the mentoring and trust of Swoosh.”

— Summer Bloomfield, 18 years old