
Ben Wickramasuriya, 18 years old


“I started Neon when I was about eleven. In no way, shape, or form, did I think it would be as influential and important to my life as it has turned out to be. I had some of the best times of my life in the six years I studied at Neon; not to mention the amazing techniques and confidence I gained from the classes. I can say for certain that I wouldn't be the (almost) man I am today without Neon. It has given me so much, and continues to give me more, as I now work alongside Emanuela for many projects, and was commissioned to write my first professional show - literally a dream come true. I am now seventeen, studying Theatre at The Brit School, and am in the best position I could be to thrive in the industry. I have had the opportunity to meet the most amazing people, and make relationships that will last a lifetime.

There is nowhere else quite like it.


“I am extremely thankful for the immense contributions of Neon towards my education and performance. I was a young boy aged 10 years old when I started at Neon. I had a desire and passion for the creative arts. Emanuela observed me and helped me channelling this desire and passion into dance, singing, and acting. Ever since, there has been a huge transformation in my self-confidence, social, creative, and communication skills.

Neon is more than a place to go and learn. It’s a home - somewhere I can always go and be myself .” 

Jevan had a full scholarship at the Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) at The Place, and completed his year 11 at The Brits School. Jevan is looking forward to continuing his sixth form in Theatre in The Brit School.

“Without Neon I don’t think I’d be where I am today”.

Jevan has just finished shooting a BBC TV Series - “You Don’t Know Me” - which will be coming up later in the year. 


Jevan Onasanya, 16 years old

“Being at NEON has helped set me up to go after my dream.”

— Ben, Neon Performing Arts alumnus